Analytic Curriculum Vitae

Zoi Paradomenaki Sillat Dipl.-Psych., ECP, EuroPsy
23.06.1986: Master Degree in Psychology Ruprecht- Karl Universität Heidelberg
Postgraduate Psychotherapy Training / Specialization in Approaches:
(1988 - 2010)
Systemic Family Psychotherapy (1989 - 1995)
Weinheim Institute of Family Psychotherapy e. V. -
Psychodynamic Psychotherapy (2000 - 2004)
German Association for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy GAPP
Berlin Academy of Psychotherapy BAP
German Society for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy DFT -
Systemic Constellations Methods (2001 -2003)
German Society for Systemic Representations DGfS -
Integrative Body Psychotherapy (IBP) / Integrative Somatic Psychotherapy (1996 - 2002)
IBP Institute Winterthur, CH
since 2003: Recognized IBP Instructor -
Birth Trauma Training / Pre- and Perinatal Psychology
R.Castellino / IBP Winterthur Institute, CH (2000-2002) -
Somatic Experiencing SE® / PA Levine / (2003 -2006)
Physical Experiential Trauma
Foundation for Human Enrichment / ZIST Institute, D
since 2009: Supervised Instructor Somatic Experiencing® -
Neuroaffective Psychotherapy /S.Hart Ph.D, M. Bentzen / D
Neuro-Mental Psychotherapy (2010 -2013) -
Neuroaffective Relational Model ™ (NARM ™) (2010-2013)
Dr. L. Heller Ph.D / D
Neuroimmune Relationship Model / Developmental Trauma Therapy
Experiential Training / Healing Arts Program / Art Therapy:
(1994 - 1998)
Somatic Theatre Workshop L. Welzin / U. Berenbrinker / Ludwigsburg, D
Authentic Movement Workshop, E. Nemeth MA, / Winterthur, CH
Vocational Certifications:
12.05.1999: Licensed Psychologist-Psychotherapist (PsychThG) in accordance with § 2 of the Law on Psychologists-Psychotherapists in the Federal State of Schleswig-Holstein / D
10.2001: European Certificate of Psychotherapy (ECP), Intermethodological German Federation for Psychotherapy, Member of the European Association for Psychotherapy (EAP)
March 27, 2007: Licensed Psychologist, Athens Prefecture (reg. no.: 2778)
07.06.2016: European Certificate in Psychology (EuroPsy)
Professional Experience:
1986-1987 Internship as a Clinical Psychologist in Special Clinic for sociopsychosomatic diseases, Hardberg, Odenwald, Germany (Fachklinik f. Soziopsychosomatische Krankheiten am Hardberg, Odenwald)
1988-1990 Appointed Psychologist at the Psychological Counseling Service of Ludwigsburg Prefecture (Psychologische Beratungsstelle des Landkreises Ludwigsburg)
1990-1996 Appointed Psychologist in the Pediatrics Department / Psychosomatic Department in Heilbronn Municipal Hospital (Städtisches Krankenhaus Heilbronn Kinderklinik / Abteilung für Psychosomatik)
1996-1997 External Associate in Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Surgery in Heilbronn
1996-1999 Counseling Services in Adult Support-Therapy, Groups Encouragement in Self-Awareness, Personal Development and Educational Activity / Training Seminars for Trainee Therapists in Integrative Somatic Therapy, Winterthur
1999 -2013 Psychotherapy Private Practice, Besdorf
Psychotherapy, Supervision for Mental Health Professionals, Training and Experiential Workshops -
2005- 2011 External Associate in Pediatrics Clinic of Public Hospital Itzehoe for Counseling and Supervision
since 2012 Psychotherapy Private Practice, Athens
Member of the Associations:
PKSH Association for Psychotherapists in the Federal State of Schleswig Holstein
DFT German Association for Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
DVP Intermethodological German Federation for Psychotherapy
IBP Institute of Integrative Somatic Psychotherapy, Winterthur, CH
SE / D German Institute of Human Experiential Trauma Therapy SE®
AGP Association of Greek Psychologists (reg. no.: 1938)
PESOPS Panhellenic Association for Body Psychotherapy
NOPG National Organization of Psychotherapy in Greece