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• Anagnostopoulou Lili (Editor)
The Body in the World and the Self in the Body
Hellenic Center for Biosynthesis

• Venturatou Domna
Introduction to psychotraumatology and trauma therapy
The EMDR Method
Field Publications

Gilbert C. Maria, Orlans Vanja
Synthetic Therapy
Asimakis Publications

• Huether Gerald
The biology of fear
Polytropon Publications

• Jung Carl Gustav, by Franz Marie- Luise
The Archetypal Path of Personalization
ISIS Publications

• Levine Peter. A.
The Awakening of the Tiger
Healing traumatic experiences
Greek letters

• Woodman Marion
The Owl was the Daughter of Fournari
Obesity, Anorexia Nervosa and Suppressed Femininity
ISIS Publications


• Bentzen Marianne, Hart Susan
Through Windows of Opportunity
A Neuroaffective Approach To Child Psychotherapy

• Bentzen Marianne
The Neuroaffective Picture Book
NAP Books

• Boszormenzi- Nagy Ivan
Unusic Bindings: The Dynamic Family Systems

• Cortois Ch.A, Ford, J. D.
Treating Complex Traumatic Stress Disorders
The Guilford Press

• Fürstenau Peter
Psychoanalytic verstehen. Systemic denken. Suggestive intervene.
Pfeiffer Klett Cotta

• Hart Susan
Brain, Attachment, Personality
An Introduction to Neuroaffective Development

• Heller Laurence, Lapierre Aline
Healing Developmental Trauma:
How Early Trauma Affects Self-Regulation, Self-Image, and the Capacity for Relationship
North Atlantic Books (Greek translation in preparation)

• Henderson Julie
Embodying Well-Being
AJZ Druck & Verlag

• van del Kolk Bessel
Traumatic Stress

• Levine Peter A.
In an Unspoken Voice
How the Body Releases Trauma and Restores Goodness
North Atlantic Books

• Levine Peter A, Kline Maggie
Trauma Through a Child's Eyes
North Atlantic Books

• Macnaughton, Ian, Levine, Peter A.
Body, Breath and Consciousness: A Somatics Anthology
North Atlantic Books

• Marlock G., Weiss H.
Handbook of body psychotherapy

• Masterson, JF
The Search for the Real Self
The Free Press

• Masterson, JF
Psychotherapy at Borderline Patients
Klett Cotta

• Ogden Pat, Minton Kekuni, Pain Clare
Trauma and body
A sensory-oriented psychotherapeutic orientation

• Rosenberg Lutz
Therapie als kreativer Prozess
Lehrbuch der tiefenpsychologischen Psychotherapy

• Rosenberg JL, Rand M.
Körper, Selbst und Seele, Ein Weg zur Integration

• Scaer Robert C.
The Body Bears The Burden
Trauma, Dissociation and Disease
The Haworth Medical Press

• Schore Allan N.
Self-regulation and self-organization of self
Klett Cotta

• Woodman Marion
Addiction to Perfection
Inner City Books, Toronto

• Woodman Marion
The Pregnant Virgin
Inner City Books, Toronto
The Pregnant Virgin
ISIS Publications (under publication)

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